You can crop in to create unusual nude body shapes

stomach shooting model lighting blacks Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography


Sometimes while shooting things happen. In this case while shooting general bodyscapes my model pulled in her stomach like this and I went "Wow!"

I then of course made the poor girl do it repeatedly for another 10 minutes - a really good stomach work out.

What was immediately clear to me that this was almost alien in my mind and that therefore I had to re-light this from the very contrasty lighting I had previously.

I strongly believe in serendipity. I believe my job as a photography is to make a picture by creating an environment and atmosphere that we can both play in. I will give the model a basic starting position and let them flow from it - but I will interject frequently with pose adjustments. But sometimes, something just comes out of the blue and you have to be ready to explore this new discovery.


Although it is not the most immediately striking aspect of this image actually the strong contrast from the blacks to the high key tones of the figure are crucial here. The deep blacks serve to emphasise the shape of the figure and its distortion.

The crop has to be without the face of course; otherwise it would become a very different image. After some experimenting I decided that the arm at the top needed to be there to hold the top of image in. A darker area to the left could be almost entirely cropped out, with just an edge visible.


The lighting is almost frontal to the figure and is very soft, which gives a very gentle

stomach shooting model lighting blacks Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

This is an excerpt from "Art Nude Photography Explained" which shows you how to create nude images and how to read and evaluate art nude photographs

It is available on Amazon

or on

the store
