points camera reaction illness threatening Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

The camera points both ways - how do you see yourself?

Most people's reaction when seeing these images is a bit of a giggle, your reaction was probably no different.

Eyesight, diopetre adjustment and focussing

Do you get the feeling when looking through the viewfinder that what you see isn't really a sharp, but your photos are properly focussed.

experimental, video,rosa brighid,artificial intelligence,software,imaging Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Have you ever wondered about making a video from all your photographs the hard way?

Have you ever wondered what happens if you take all the photographs you have made of a particular model and play them back at 30 frames per second?

snob dslr Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Are You a DSLR Snob? (video)

A short YouTube video

christmas snow merry meantime blog Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Merry Christmas!!

If you think I'm writing a blog on Christmas Day think again!! In the meantime here's a picture of a bird in the snow :)

flats tutorials build wide web Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Build Your Own DIY V-Flat Light Modifiers (from the web)

V-flats are a staple of studio setups and have a wide array of uses, but the "real" flats they're usually made up of are a type of foamboard for display mounting called Gatorboard, which comes in large, thick sheets which are nice and sturdy.

model shoots setup video shooting Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

What a days filming was like

Thought you might like a breakdown of how a days filming went for each of the DVDs. In the planning stages of shooting the videos we had one model for each day.

Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography , nudephotography, locationshoot, modelling, fashion poses, fashiondaily, poses, art nude, pose, sensual_art, nudephotography, redhead, hot, shoelove, posing, form, urbex, shoes, rockchick

Can AI Vision systems detect and censor art nude photographs

Can AI Vision systems detect and censor art nude photographs?

Could social media automatically censor art nude images?

Can your photo forum use off-the-shelf free systems for NSFW tagging?

Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography , uncoveredmodels, fine art nude, lingerielove, posebook, rockchick, models, latex, fashioncampaign, naked, naturallight, glamour, fashion, sexy, sensuality, models, woman, styleinspiration

Can AI Vision systems detect and censor art nude photographs (Safe For Work)

Can AI Vision systems detect and censor art nude photographs?

Could social media automatically censor art nude images?

Can your photo forum use off-the-shelf free systems for NSFW tagging?

sets creative usually unique toes Simon Q. Walden, FilmPhotoAcademy.com, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Changing sets - new inspiration

Just done the first couple of shots on new sets in the studio. It's interesting how inspiring that is, feel instantly much more creative as a result of a bit of pane and some add-ons.