camera pose kathleen wide height Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Critique for Kathleen-Pinup Workshop

Kathleen was one of the attendees at our recent Pinup Shoot Workshop in conjunction with the Royal Photographic Society (RPS).

workshop tighter details stronger shape Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Post Workshop Critique-Adrian

This is a post workshop critique from our RPS workshop in November. This is all a bit murky, you need to have an adjust of exposure and contrast, maybe a bit of dodging and burning to bring this to life.

exposure stronger pose needs gaze Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Workshop Critique for Denis

We recently ran another two sessions of our very popular two day studio introduction workshops that we run with the Royal Photographic Society.

slightly pose nice contrast workshop Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Critique for Arthur

After every workshop we give attendees the opportunity to send in post-processed and finished images for a critique, this may cover everything from great photos for approval or failed photos for advice.

post harriett dave critique camera Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Critique for Dave

These are Dave's images for critique following the November workshop we ran in conjunction with the RPS.

brodie post orange cloth workshop Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Critique for Janet

Janet attended our recent two day workshop in conjunction with the RPS. After every workshop attendees can have their images critiqued, which is a valuable part of the learning process of the workshops.

slightly nice camera add tilt Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Critique for Adrian

Adrian was an attendee at one of our recent two day workshops we run in conjunction with the Royal Photographic Society (RPS).

pose portrait working somewhere odd Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Critique for Guy

Guy recently came in for a one day 1-on-1 tuition session working with Julie Waterhouse who is an excellent dancer.

pose lovely upper smashing shape Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Critique for David

This is a critique of David's images taken at our Portaits, Fashion and Nudes workshop run in conjunction with the Royal Photographic Society Digital Imaging Group.

terrific workshop skin pose moles Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Critique for Martin

After every workshop, whether through the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) or privately, attendees are invited to submit images based on the workshop for further comment.