Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography , nudephotography, locationshoot, modelling, fashion poses, fashiondaily, poses, art nude, pose, sensual_art, nudephotography, redhead, hot, shoelove, posing, form, urbex, shoes, rockchick

Reverse Image Searching

PhotoTracker Lite is a free, extension for Chrome that does an instant reverse image search on an image in your browser.

wide subjects range photography library Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Selling my photo books library !!

I'm having a big clear out of stuff, including my entire library of photography books, by a wide range of authors on a wide range of subjects.

Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography , uncoveredmodels, fine art nude, lingerielove, posebook, rockchick, models, latex, fashioncampaign, naked, naturallight, glamour, fashion, sexy, sensuality, models, woman, styleinspiration

Cutting a camera in half with water

Ever wondered how you could cut a camera and lens in half straight down the middle?

Stuart Smith Guest Post following Fine Art Nude Workshop

THIS IS A REPOST FROM STUART'S BLOG: You can see all the images Stuart has posted on his blog

photographers blogs blog welcome suggestions Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Blogs by Photographers

These are some of the blogs by photographers that I drop by on a regular basis. Always welcome to here of your own suggestions too.

Canon 5D Mk II = Making Video

Sorry, I'm not going to show you how... I just wanted to comment on the many videos that are now turning up on the web using the 5D as the video camera and some of them are just brilliant.

Video compresses time, Photography expands the moment

What a great quote and it perfectly sums up this whole video/stills balance. So, I thought I'd drop in a few thoughts of my own about this whole "convergence" debate of mixing stills and video for the professional photographer.

planet mundane exists infinite nude Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

The Irrational Fear of Nude Art Photography

This is an open letter Sven Ellirand which I think sums up a lot of frustration of both photographers and models in the nude art genre.

meters buying Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Buying Light Meters (video)

A short YouTube video

Backup Your Data

You know you have to! I've been asked several times recently about my backup strategy, so I thought I'd write a quick post about how my backups are handled.