depth photography hyper focal digital Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Hyper Focal Distance in Digital Photography - What is it? - How to calculate it. How to Use it.

Hyper Focal Distance in Digital Photography - What is it? - How to Calculate? and How to Use it to Maximize Depth of Field Factors that Influence Depth of Field Depending upon the subject and situation; we might either wish for a shallow or a...

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Choose the Right Lens to Make Flattering Portraits (from the web)

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 Micro VR lens, F/3, 1.60s, ISO 800. The lens you choose to make a picture strongly affects how the subject will look.

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Interview with Black and White photographer Hannah Kozak (from the web)

Hannah Kozak was born to a Polish father and a Guatemalan mother in Los Angeles, California. Please follow the link for more.

perspective composition web visually ultimately Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

These Ideas on Perspective Will Improve Your Photography Composition (from the web)

In short, perspective refers to the relationship of objects in an image - the space between them, their relative size, their placement within the scene.

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Experimental Nude Photos Explore The Subconscious Movements Of Models (NSFW) (from the web)

A side project from his typical work as a high end editorial photographer, French artist Julien Vallon has created a series of nude art photographs that deviate from the more traditional posed portraits that dominate the genre.

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Useful Photography Tip #84: Slow Down (from the web)

Sometimes an awesome photography moment can happen in an instant. If you are not ready, you will miss a shot.

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Creating Stunning Images Simply

I'm not one who normally reposts youtube videos, but this one just really caught my attention. Ben Wong just really highlights that making stunning images is not really that difficult.

photography landscape web start results Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

The 10 Commandments of Landscape Photography (and how to break them) (from the web)

When you first start out in landscape photography, observing a few of the classic conventions can really make a difference to the kind of results you get.

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Ophelia Photography by Dorota Gorecka (from the web)

Hamlet's character Ophelia fascinate artists since centuries. Among master pieces honoring her, the most famous is the one of Pre-Raphaelite painter John Everett Millais, completed in 1851.

duffy brian photographer career web Simon Q. Walden,, sqw, FilmPhoto, photography

Brian Duffy | A Photographer You Should Know (from the web)

Brian Duffy began his career as a fashion artist for Harper's Bazaar. Once exposed to photography, he began his career as a photo assistant.